Year 5 2024 - 2025
Mr Banner, Mrs Holland and Mrs Murphy will be working with your children in Year 5 this year.
Some Reminders
Homework will now be set online and uploaded every Friday. There will be a maths and english task to complete.
The children will be provided with their own planner in which they will use to record, practise and test weekly spellings. They will also be able to record time spent reading at home and they can also be used as a form of communication between home and school. Please could children make sure they bring their planner into school every day.
Weekly spellings will be given to the children on a Friday and then tested the following Friday.
On PE days, the children can come to school in their PE kit . Both classes have PE on Wednesday (am) and Friday (pm).
Foundation subjects covered throught this half term will be Geography, DT, Computing, PSHE, Spanish and RE.
Performing Arts and Music will be taught each Thursday by Junior Jam.
If you have any questions, please do contact us on our year group email [email protected]
Many thanks for your continued support.
Best wishes.
The Year Five Team.