Prayer Day - 18.11.2024
Welcome to our Prayer Day!
We have prepared different prayer stations for you to explore today. We have linked the activities to each of the Christian values we are looking at this year. This is an opportunity for you to spend some time in the quietness to stop and think, reflect or pray. If you don’t feel like completing the activities, take some time to visit the Prayer corner and Bible station.
Think about how much Jesus loved us, so much that He died on the cross for each one of us.
Design a cross – think about the shape of your cross and then the detail you want to put on it- patterns, words, pictures.
As you create your cross, think about how much Jesus loves you and about your family and friends who love you so much too.
Noah’s Ark is a story that reminds us of the beautiful world God created for us. At the end of the story, God created a rainbow to remind us that He will look after His world and all of us too.
Write a prayer on a leaf to thank God for His creation.
Write your name on a piece of ribbon and add it to our rainbow of names.
The Bible tells us that we should ask for forgiveness when we do something wrong. When we ask God to forgive us, we call these prayers ‘Our Sorry prayers’
Blow some bubbles as you think about things you need to say sorry for.
If we are compassionate, we show love and kindness to those around us. As you make a weaved heart, think about the people who show you love and kindness and say thank you to God for them. There may be people you know who are poorly or sad today. Think about ways you can show them compassion.
Add a mosaic tile to the wooden heart to represent each member of our school community as we try to fill our school with love, respect and compassion.
Do you remember the story of Jesus calming the storm? The disciples were scared and Jesus looked after them. We all need to be brave at times.
Make yourself an origami boat – write a please prayer to ask God to help you to be brave or thank Him for a time when you felt brave
Place your boat in the paddling pool.
Think of someone who is very special to you – it could be a parent, grandparent, brother, sister or friend. As you decorate a little wooden person, think about what makes them so special and say thank you to God for them.
Praying with Pip the penguin
Use teaspoons to spend time thinking about thank you, sorry and please prayers.
Bible station
Look at the selection of Bibles. Can you find your favourite Bible story?
Why is it your favourite?
Prayer corner
Use the resources in the prayer corner to take some time to reflect, think or pray. Prayers you write can be posted in the box.